Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I finally have to take the plunge and blog without pictures. I keep saying I'm going to download the pictures from my camera, as you can see, haven't quite got that done yet. The reason, I need help from Glen and we never seem to get it together at the same time. Oh well.

But back to topic, I can't believe it's been 46 years since we went to the Salt Lake City LDS temple to be married. I look at all of my girls and can't believe they are MY daughters - why I can't be that old to have five daughters and 10 grandchildren - where did the time go?? Help!! But at the same time I look at our family and give thanks for the many blessings they have brought into my/our lives. Yes, we have had difficult times and even sad times but at the same time we have had glorious times. As I have watched our children grow I have grown and so enjoyed at what they have accomplished with their lives. I am so proud (can I say that?) of all of them. They have taken in the good, the bad and the ugly to make their lives become something special, I am so glad I have been here to see.

Yes, they have problems - who doesn't - but they have taken all of the things around them and made them work. I'm not saying it has been easy for them but they have stayed firm and come out winners. I look at our four sons that we have gotten in the bargain and I'm so grateful for each one of them. They are so unique and individual and special. I love them as though I had given birth to them and just think I didn't have to - I got a bargain! I thank the Lord each day for all of our children and grandchildren. And I thank the Lord for my life and the things we have been through - some not so great but they made us who we are today. The problems have made my patience grow, my love grow more than I could have known and the love between Glen and I has grown and I thought I knew what love was when we got married - silly girl I was.

Thank you for the 46 years my dear husband. How grateful I am for you and your patience and love. I truly know what a helpmate is now - thank you for teaching me so much - I look forward to the next many years. Love you my dearest!