Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We just returned last week from a much needed "get away". We were able to take some time and stop our life so to speak here on the home front and go south to visit with another Daughter, Son and their family. We also got to go to our "dentist" who is our Son. He very kindly has offered to do our dental work. We feel so grateful for this "GIFT" from him as this is his living and he helps us which at this time in our life is really appreciated. When we were working we had dental benefits but since retiring that has all gone away. We can't find dental insurance for our time in life (not important enough for us seniors) but even if we could we couldn't afford it. Anyway, thank you Russ we SO appreciate all you do for us.

When we first left, we both were so done in we were shocked at how tired we were. Mostly what we did for a great deal of the time we were gone was just veg. As we started to feel better we took little trips around the area and saw some incredible things. A place called Warm Springs where out in the middle of the desert you find a paradise so to speak of palm trees and warm water. The day we went out we did have one disappointment, there had been a big fire last July which burned an incredible path through the beauty. We were unable to go onto some land the LDS church owns because of reconstruction but it is a trip we will make in the future. The things we saw where the fire had devastated was so sad because there had been homes where people were living and it looks like it took everything they had. That broke my heart to see what they had endured and continue to endure.

Onto a happier note, the road to warm springs is a quiet little two lane road but on the road about 1/2 mile before getting to the LDS property they are building a road side rest stop. It is just lovely, they have brick walk ways and covered picnic areas but as we ventured further we also found hiking trails and some information built around the warm springs. It seems there was a fish that was to distinction. We read the information on this and we very interested in this fish they were bringing back. It is called a Dace. Well, along with the information signs we found on the other side of the walk way was a Plexiglas wall that was one side of the warm springs ditch running through this area. There we could look at the "side" of the ditch and see this fish that was at most two inches long and there was also some snails that lived there. It was very interesting to be able to see down into the ditch from the side and see the way the water was interacting with the plants and such. All and all we really enjoyed venturing into this little area and finding all of this beauty (well it was at one time before the fire and will again, I'm sure). The one thing that really struck me was the peace and quiet of the country life. I have missed this which I grew up knowing and enjoying.

There is so much around us that we really don't stop and enjoy, so I am glad we took the time to see all of this.