Saturday, December 20, 2008


Now I know you are wondering why on earth I titled this "Reason" but hold on I'll explain. Like all of you we have been rushing around trying to get caught up on gift buying, making candy, running Mom, decorating, etc.

Last night we finally put up our nativity scene. Now it seems like Christmas! We have put the reason back into the season and everything else will fall into line. It is amazing if we just take a minute and put our priorities in the right order our lives seem to take hold and we can manage them again.

I am grateful for the joy of this season and the love that comes from those near and far, so Merry Christmas everyone.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Wow, where has the time gone? I haven't even gotten our newsletter done or the cards addressed. No candy, cookies or other goodies made. All the shopping is not completed and the big scare is the ones that need to be mailed. We have five we need to mail, which is better than other years but still it's so late and we don't even have our shopping for them done. HELP!!!

On the bright side, our kitchen carpet has been cleaned as well as the stairs down to the basement. That's something - don't you think? Our clothes are all washed from the last trip to St. George we just returned from. The outside of our house is all decorated and the living room is also done but the tree and things down stairs are not. So we have some done?

I have been thinking the of things I can "let go" this year and not be reminded about them from our family when they come.

This is a big year, we will be having three of our five children and their families here for Christmas and right after. Our youngest daughter Kristie and her hubby Jared are bringing their little 7 month old, Cooper here and after Christmas they are going to the SLC Temple to have him sealed to them. We are all so excited about this. At first we had hoped most of the children would be able to come but some problems have arose and one has to drop out and the other one was just here a few weeks ago. So we are thankful for our blessings and how great all of our girls their spouses and grandchildren are doing.

Yes, it is a time to remember more important things than all of the rush and bustle that it brings. I give thanks for the birth of my brother Jesus Christ and the life he lived and the example set for us and then His sacrifice on behalf of all of us so we may return back to live with him and our Father in Heaven. What more could any of us ask?

Tomorrow is another day to get LOTS done so here's to tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2008

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Monday, November 24, 2008


I wish I could say I was the "old" fashioned kind of Mom, Grandmother that fixed the Thanksgiving turkey on the day we celebrate BUT I can't. I have found through out the years that I can fix as much as possible before hand and then I enjoy the day so much more. Yes, I know it's bad of me to want to have fun too. But I find the turkey isn't half bad warmed after being thawed and the dressing always tastes the same and the candied yams don't seem any different but my Mom and Glen's Mom always did the work the day of. So to them I bow down and say I take my hat off to you ladies for your fortitude and wiliness to do what is needed to accomplish the "deed".

I remember the history stories of the first pioneers and the Indians that worked to make this a great day of thankfulness and I feel they would somehow understand. Of course, their meal was much more simple than we have come to expect with ours.

I do give thanks for all that we have been given and for the very fact that we have food to cook and eat and that we have some family close by that we can share it with. I give thanks for my wonderful family even though most of them are not around here, I know they remember the fun times we have enjoyed this time of year and wish we could all be together but our modern day makes this so difficult but at the same time we can talk on the phone and even talk on Skype and see one another. Where as there were times in the past that people when they left home never saw family members again.

All I have to do is look around and I can see just how much I have to be grateful for. I love the Lord and give Him thanks for all he does for me and my family and for the fact that we are able to communicate and love one another.

I do wish each of you a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I received this award and thank you to Sue for it. I am sending this to:

Skipper@Little Bright
Kristie@Cooper's Adventures

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I was just looking at the last post and I want all of you to know that is not all of our grandchildren. We have been so extremely blessed to have 10. Wow, aren't I a lucky Grandmother? I think so, just thought I'd try to show some other pictures of some of the others.

This is our little boy the next to the youngest member of our family watching the train last Christmas and the other picture is his "big" brother.

The photo above is Great Grandma to all of these beautiful grandchildren. She's my Mom. The picture next to my Mom is the big sister to these brothers. There still some more but I don't have those pictures down loaded yet.

But enjoy some of our family pictures. Each of these dear children have such delightful personalities and are so different from one another even though some are siblings. I can honestly say, I love going to all of our children's homes and enjoying their families. We are so blessed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Today has been such a nice day. We went to a caregivers meeting. These are the people that helped Mom while we were gone. They are so nice and this was such a fun and special time. We both really enjoyed ourselves. In fact, everyone there seemed to really have a good time. They had a lady playing a harp - very soothing. They had a nice lunch laid out so we could serve ourselves and they had people there giving back massages, foot massages and hand massages. I had a back massage and this was so nice, my neck has never felt better. I looked over and there was Glen enjoying a foot massage. Now that really was a surprise and he was enjoying it so much. Gives me great ideas for Christmas. Then we both had hand massages. Wow what a day. One hour of pure kindness.

There are people out there that make our lives so much better and so many times we forget to say Thank you. We both tried to tell everyone how much we appreciated their kindness.

When we came out to leave to go home the sun was shining (I think it was before we went in) but it just seemed to be so much brighter. Yes, my mood had changed so much and I really didn't think I was feeling bad before. So there you go.

This was just as nice as a day with our grandchildren and seeing and enjoying how much each of them love the world and are enjoying just living each day.

I know we all have difficult days and this has probably been a bad one for many of you out there but I do hope someone will come into your lives and help to make it "brighter" as ours has been.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Prop 8

I thought I could just let this go but it seems everywhere I go there are reminders so here goes with my "thoughts".

As far as the LDS Church members being upset by the "Church's" stand on this proposition I just do not understand. Are they active members and have they been listening since they were baptized? Just have to ask because I can't understand why they would question why the church does not change their stand on this. The Bible tells us the Lord has said it is an abomination against him. Now that is not only the LDS church that believes this but other churches as well.

I do not judge these people that are "gay" but I also do not understand what part of this they do not understand. Why wouldn't a church that believes in God, the Father and Jesus Christ his son not be willing to stand up for this? I understand the families of these people, they are hurting but why should things be changed because their children have taken another path in life. Should we look at all unnormal/unnatural things as needing to have changes to accommodate them?

I love the Lord and his son Jesus Christ and I am willing to do what "They" say. I know I am not anywhere near perfect, in fact I'm extremely a long way from it but at the same time I feel like I need to stand and be heard, even it's only by a few, my children, their children, etc.

I pray for these people that are so angry and upset because of this but I don't feel we should make changes on this. It's the Lord who said this - and we should remember.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

God bless America!

Our country has seen so much change in the years I have been here on earth and I marvel at it all of the time. Now we have elected a young man that is black and the funny thing is I hadn't even noticed until they showed blacks on TV crying as though their lives have been changed forever. Why is it when a "white" person talks about a black person we are looking wrongly at the blacks and are condemning them but the blacks seem to always be the ones that bring up the "race" card?

I pray for this young man and the choices he makes of people to work with him. I would think being President of US would be such a demanding job I do not envy anyone that is willing to do this. So much is asked and so many are waiting to criticize.

The great thing about the US is now that elections are over, we throw our support behind the newly elected President (or at least that is how it is suppose to be, but there will always be those unwilling to do just that).

God bless America we are strong because of our diversity. We can survive anything - remember 9/11? Everyone in America felt that heartache but quickly people's memories fade. Just so you know I voted for John Mc Cain but I am willing to work with our newly elected President and as I said I pray for him and those that work with him.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This is one of the reasons for the trip. Being able to watch "the cast" come off. Yea, it's gone and her arm is STRAIGHT!! Also, Nik came along for the ride and he had a doctor's appointment for a mole. So they had quite a day, the two of them. So did we.

Back to our trip -- Towards the last we traveled from way far out in Arizona to Henderson NV. When we got there it was very hot! We always stay at a hotel that serves breakfast. This makes it very handy and fast for us but when we arrived at this particular hotel they were also having a "Manager's Appreciation" for all of the hotel guests. They had a table set up with potato chips, macaroni salad, hot and spicy or regular wings, green salad, dressings and some soda or beer for those that prefer. We were so happy as we didn't really want to hit that traffic that' s so familiar down there. So we were able to eat a quick dinner and hit the room early. Sure was nice after traveling.

But the "biggie" happened when we were getting ready to eat the "appreciation". At the head of the line they had paper plates, plastic utensils and napkins. I picked up the usual things, had chips, mac salad and picked up a couple of wings until I realized they were the "Hot and Spicy" ones. So I gave them to Glen (of course, I did) and I went back into line to wait until they got the others back out there. The young fellow in front of me could not keep anything on his plate. As he picked something up it would either not make it to the plate or some other disasterous thing. I teased him and told him that was o.k., we all had days like that. Well you guessed it, those infamous words had just barely left my mouth when I hit the bottom of my plate and dumped the WHOLE thing right there on that nice clean, white table cloth. I was so stunned, I just stood there (which is really unusual for me, usually when I do something stupid (which is regularly) I can come up with a quick come back and clean it right up, but not this time. I just stood there dumb founded. The two young men behind me jumped into action, one grabbed my plate and I finally came out of the stupor and helped brush all of it onto the plate. Then they escorted it to the trash. I was so horrified, not sure why because I seem to do this lately. But they were sure nice guys and I wish I had had the sense to talk to them but instead I just ducked my head and turned around to the table where Glen was waiting.

Yes, this will rank right up there with one of those "memorable" trips. At least, I won't have a huge clay pot sitting around to remind me constantly.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Well we made it home but haven't had a chance to down load any of our pictures. I'm dying to try putting them on my site. Sue showed me a few things but I haven't tried anything yet.

It was good to be home, we got in about 4:;00 or so. We stopped by the grocery store and picked up some fresh stuff, milk, bread, eggs, etc. anyway I knew if we got home and I got out of the car I wouldn't be going back in that day.

We unpacked and got lots done but by evening we were both done in. We even ordered in, now that is a big deal. We usually don't do that for sure.

Oh and we got home to four large bags from the grocery store FULL of mail. Of course, most of it was junk but it still had to be gone through. Oh what a mess, you order anything online and they get you into they mailings. I need to take time and go to them and get off. Would save a lot of trees.

We had the chance to visit with Nan, Russ and family. It was so fun but extremely short. They are so good to us and I feel so badly that we didn't feel like we could stay longer. I know they feel shorted but we plan on going down later and staying longer.

Can I tell you it's so fun being a grandparent. The kids even like us and that means so much to us. Where they are all so far away it is difficult for them to see just how much we love each of them. For sure no one takes a back seat to another. But it's hard to show that all of the time.

I read some things about Marge Hinckley and she would write to her grandkids and they later said they all felt like they were her favorite. I thought that was so great to give those kids such great love and appreciation that they felt like that. I hope to be able to foster that in our grandchildren. Funny thing, I look at each of them and really can't figure out anything bad about any of them. They are just perfect, yea I know none of us have reached that "yet". But to me they seem that way.

Glen has gone out to mail some things and headed up to Uncle Don's to help him. Guess he missed working with him. Don had some scaffolding that needed to be taken down, so of course, your Dad it there to help. What would we do without him, I don't want to know.

The weather is overcast but warm but last night it was really cool, not what we're used to. Thought it was cool on the desert guess I forgot how it was here. Funny thing though, our planters on the front porch are partially alive but the back ones are doing just great. They look like it's perfect weather for them. They sure look pretty!

Glen closed the curtains and didn't turn on the lights so we didn't even get one T or T but we hadn't picked up any goodies extra, we did have a couple things but the "trunker treat" at the church pretty much gets all of them there and we only get the teens so we didn't feel to badly this year. First year though!!!

Glen just went over to the neighbors and they were telling him that we have kids walking by the mail boxes and opening them and leaving them like that. Sure wish we had those community mail boxes, they just seem so much more secure.

Oh well, guess I'd best get busy and do something, not like there is nothing to do. Hope your Halloween was fun!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This is one of our reasons for being on vacation. We got to watch Hanae get her cast off. Wow what a day!!!! Red letter for sure!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Here it is Saturday already and yes we made it to Sue's. We were pretty tired from riding three days but it is worth it to see Sue, Gene and the kids. Woke up early this morning and got up and we had breakfast and then lazy me, I went back to bed. Sue woke me to tell me she and Hanae were leaving to go to Nik's soccer game. That was about 12:30 and it's much later now. Not sure where they all are but I've had the day to just do whatever. I'm afraid I've been very lazy. Good thing though, I've been living on L-lysine and I need to get back to being just me without the EB.

Looks like there are clouds out there, guess we're going to be having some storms. Maybe it will cool down a bit. It has been in the high 80s. Talked to Kristie and she said it was in the 40s and 50 yesterday, guess we brought the weather with us.

This really have been a great trip and being able to see the three girls and their families has been so worth it but I must be getting old because I just don't seem to have the same energy to keep going like I used to.

Hanae showed me her hand today and we compared our hands because she has really long fingers and I told her I thought she had a hand like mine. She put her hand up and laid it next to mine. I told her this was her hand at 6 years old and mine at 66 so that was what she had to look forward to in 60 years. She said - OH. Really impressed she was. I thought it was funny. Little kids are just such a wonder to me, I do so enjoy being a grandma and watching and seeing things I never seemed to have time to see when I was a mom. That is the blessings of enduring to this age.

Monday, October 13, 2008

It's Monday October 13, 2008 just one day before we leave. I find myself really torn, I can't wait until we see Sue, Gene, Nik and Hanae but I sure will miss Kristie, Jared and Cooper. Cooper hasn't been very happy today, if those teeth don't come in soon, it will drive Cooper and his parents nuts. He really is a very good baby but you can tell he just doesn't feel so good right now, although he smiles all of the time. I feel like little Cooper has a disposition like his Mom and he loves the out doors like his Dad. We have enjoyed watching him learn new things every day. I love this age on up because they learn new things all of the time. Such a fun time in a baby's life.

It has rained most of the day today but has stopped tonight but has it ever turned off cold. It was in the high 70s and nights the low 60s but today I don't think it got up to mid 50s and tonight it was in the 40s as we came back to the hotel.

We did our washing this morning and most of it is dried but there are still a few things hanging around right now. Oh exciting, don't you think?

Funny thing - we heard that yesterday at Mom's they had 11 inches of snow and at our house they had 6 inches. Wow, didn't think we'd get snow so soon. We have been watching the weather to see which way to take down to Sue's. Boy it's a long trip.

Hey big news, gas is $2.75 today here in Des Moines. Sure would be nice if we could have that kind of price all the way until we get home. Oh well it has been fun watching it go down here. Some brightness in this economy. Hate to see what our
401s have done. Guess our remodel will have to wait for a while.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We went up to visit with Aunt Pammie. We only got to spend one day with her but it was filled with a lot of fun. First off we went out to dinner after getting to Pam at Sandy's. Lovely home she and Jeff have. We enjoyed dinner at Dangerfields. Yummy food!!! K and I got lemon chicken - oh my word, it was so heavenly. Big problem though I couldn't eat it all. But it was worth going all that way. Everyone seemed to really enjoy their dinner and then we went back to Pam's and K and C decided to stay the night there. They have this HUGE tub and of course, you just can't beat that. They seemed to really have a great time there and of course, Aunt Pammie loved having C to love and kiss all of the time.

The next day we went to a landscape arbritium. It was such fun, We were able to enjoy lots of lovely flowers, Halloween decorations, water falls, sprays and such. They have a beautiful rose garden. My goodness such variety and lovely smells. Then we also got to see a dahlia garden. There were so many varieties, many I have not seen before. There were daisy, mums, verbena, and so many more that I just can't remember all of the names. Many trees and the color is coming and wow, the trees were just so lovely. I guess you can figure it out it was a lovely day. Although, we didn't get to go to the "toy" place and I'm sorry about that because C would have loved seeing all of those things.

We didn't leave until after 6 pm so our arrival back in Des Moines was late, around 10 pm. Poor little C was so tired of his car seat and tried so hard to put up a big fuss but between his Mom and his just good nature - he was a little jewel. He's only six months old and just unbelievable how good he is.

While we are missing our other grandchildren, we are also enjoying being here with C and M and J and of coure K and J. We know it will be awhile before we can love him close up. Of course, when we get to S we'll feel the same way about enjoying them.

I know this is how our lives are meant to be but to have all our kids around closer would be so lovely. Although, this does give us a chance to travel around and visit.

Talked to Mom yesterday and she seemed to be so happy. The lady that was suppose to come and take her shopping didn't show up so her supervisor came and then they went out shopping. Guess Mom got lots of exercise, walking that is. She usually takes the ride around cart but there we none available so she walked after she had walked in from the back of the parking lot. I haven't called today because I figured she would be pretty tired. So glad they are taking such good care of her and I really am starting to relax. Thank you Father.

Have a good day everyone.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here we are in Des Moines finally we made it. We left Monday and got here on Tuesday after a very long day. What a joy to be here and see Kristie, Jared, Cooper, Moki, and Jade. So fun for everyone to want to see us .Yea for us. Cooper is such a sweet boy, he just grins and tries to kiss you. Yea, it's really difficult having to love him so much. He is a very good baby too, it takes a lot to upset him. He just looks and looks and sometimes tries to copy you. Anyway, it has been great fun. He just makes a person want to kiss and kiss him over again. He will start to chat with you at times and boy does he go at it but other times when you want him to -- of course, he won't.

It was Kristie's B-day yesterday so we went out to dinner at Red Lobster. It was so busy that we wondered if we'd get in but we did and it was really good. Cooper was really good while we ate and of course, everyone made a big fuss over him.

Then we went back to K and J home and watched a movie. Also, S,B and the kids called on Skype so we got to talk to them. That was great fun too,''

Today we have watched General Conference on the TV and then K and J and C came over here for the second part and we had some snacks and watched the second session. Then J and G went to Priesthood Meeting. K and C came over here to visit and we just talked. It was fun. After the guys got back here they fed C and then got him ready and took him back home. It has been such a fun time. This is one of those super great trips that allow us to see one new grandbaby right now and then visit with his parents and then go see another Auntie of C and then back to C for alittle while longer and then down to see another Daughter, Husband, Son and daughter. We should get there soon enough so we can see H cast on her arm before it's taken off. Yea, we can't wait to see them all.

This is a great trip we are enjoying it sooooooooo much!

Love to you all,

Friday, September 26, 2008

We are progressing on our "list" of things to accomplish before we leave. The decks are COMPLETE!!! YEA!!! They look just lovely and Mom is so happy with them but she keeps saying if I can just live one more day to enjoy them???

Picked up the dry cleaning, did some case lot, picked up last minute medicines, Mom is surviving on the "meals" and I don't think she will die with them. Although, she does enjoy her own cooking much better.

Taking Mom to the doctor tomorrow and then grocery shopping and to pick up meds. Tomorrow is another busy day. Hopefully, then I can get my lesson for Sunday. Just hasn't been a lot of time and of course I kept finding other things to do. I have done some packing and now I have to wash again before we leave.

G has winterized the trailer, taken the beans out of the garden including the poles, picked all of the peaches, we've put all of the tomatoes into the freezer for future work when we get back. Made four batches of peach jam and run a ton of errands trying to get everything ready to go.

See how busy we've been? Yea, right! So much still to do, clean the house, wash, maybe take Mom to another doctor on Monday, which is when I wanted to leave but we'll see later today, finish packing.

I'm so excited to be able to take this trip, just feel like I can't wait. I keep telling G we should leave NOW!

Oh well, another day in our lives.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We've been away for a few days down in St. George visiting N and family. They are all doing really good. Nichole just went on her first date to Homecoming. Her dress is so cute and she is such a darling little gal. Ben is growing, he's as tall as I am. Wow, I am so happy for him although his Mom informed me that I'm shrinking. Oh great, just what I need!!!

JJ let me read with her and she is growing up so much. She loves to tease and is very good at it. Do you know how many bubble gums you can put in your mouth? Ask JJ?

Aiden is really growing up but he likes to play video games and he couldn't convince me to play with him. I hate them and really don't do well with them. But he beat your Dad good! He kept telling me, I'll teach your Grandma and I'll be easy with you. Yea, right!

We have a big week ahead of us and then we are leaving for the mid west and then down south. Wow we can't wait but there are a lot of things that need to be done before we can leave.

I was left a message from a lady with Meals on Wheels and they are starting to deliver to her tomorrow - Monday. Mom says she isn't too happy about it but I think she might come to enjoy not having to work so hard cooking. Although, I know her cooking is very good and I doubt their meals can compare.

Her decks still need to be finished, the guy that laid the carpet left several messages and G is going to contact him tomorrow and then they will get that finished for her. Also, have to take her to the doctor to see about her hand, I guess it's been really bothering her. I'm not sure what they can do for her. She already is taking some pain meds to help.

I still need to do my VT and get my hair permed and of course all of the washing and deciding what we should take clothes wise and then I have my lesson this coming Sunday. Oh, and I need to get the peach jam made and the tomatoes into the freezer. If we work very hard this week and get everything done, we just hopefully, will be able to leave on Monday if not Tuesday. Yea, I can't wait.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yesterday I had a great day and a bad day too. I met a lady, Laurie, from Weber Senior services for lunch and we talked and filled out paperwork to get some help for Mom while we will be gone on our vacation. I told her how Grandma wouldn't let me get her Meals on Wheels. After lunch we went over to Mom's house. Laurie is really good! After she had talked with Mom for a while she said, what about Meals on Wheels? Have you thought about that? You know they would bring in meals once a day and here's a menu and if you don't like everything, make sure you eat the roll, desert and juice. Now Mom started to think about that and decided well I could try. Laurie says well try while Pat is gone and then if you don't want it we can stop it after she comes back. By the time she left she had decided to give Mom a gal to come in once a day M-F and on Wednesdays (Mom's choice) the gal would take her shopping for groceries and medicine and then on Fridays she can get her trash out and what ever she would like her to do. Afterward, Mom says, you know I really don't need anyone coming in each day maybe every other week. I told her Laurie had set it up that way and she should enjoy someone to talk to. I also suggested she could ask them to take her for a ride so she could get out. I think she's thinking about it.

Then the bad part, we picked up some meds yesterday for Mom and they said they didn't have three like she had told us but they were having some problems with her insurance and so I forgot about the third one. Well Mom called last night and she had discovered she only had two of her medications. She then called the pharmacy and they said the other one had been picked up on Saturday. Mom then called us back and said she had called K to see if he had picked it up. Well he called her back and yes, he'd picked it up and she didn't need it until Wednesday so he'd get it to her then. I think he's trying to make a point but doing it with medication just doesn't set right with me. He wants to upset me to show me "how it feels when someone does something you don't know about". Funny thing about that is the other two things he's all out of joint about he told me I had to either decide to let him know everything or do it myself. I had told him about some other things and he blew me off saying they didn't need to be done. Then after he came and accused your Dad of throwing money right and left as G is working to save Mom $1,000 by taking the old carpet off and the railing off and on afterward. I decided he was so busy that I'd just do. Guess I'm having a bad time, when he was "taking" care of Dad I supported him 100% but he knows more than I do, I mean I'm just a "fat, old woman".

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's Saturday and what a week. Been involved with Mom and her deck problems. The carpet was laid yesterday and G is up there putting up the railings. He is also going to wash down the front of her trailer - although if he gets started she'll probably have a million "other" things for him to do. On Monday the carpet guy is coming back to put the trim piece around the edge. He said the carpet is so thin that he wanted it to dry before doing anything else because the glue would come right through.

Also on Monday I am meeting with a lady from Weber County Senior Services. I have met her once before and talked to her on the phone. She is the one that runs the support group we went to. I asked her if she knew of anyone I could hire (because Mom has too much in savings to qualify for their regular programs). She talked to me for a while and then said she had a slot in a program that she would give to Grandma for someone to help her while we are gone. We are getting together on Monday for me to answer the questions (you know paper work) and then after a light lunch we are going over to Mom's so she can meet her.

I got brave yesterday after I had gone and got Mom's groceries and told her about this gal. She informed me there were lots around her in the ward that had offered to help - but up to now she would never take advantage of them. I doubt she would now. I tried to tell her it would make me feel so much better that I knew someone was there to get her groceries or take her shopping and pick up her meds and take out her trash. I don't know how this is going to work out, keep us in your prayers.

I am teaching tomorrow in the Gospel Doctrine class and the lesson is about Samuel the Lamanite who preaches to the Nephities about their sins and how they are unwilling to repent and follow the Lord's teachings through his Prophets. Some times I think we are a lot like those people and forget about what the Lord wants us to do and to give him thanks for all he does for us.

I am grateful for my "great" hubby. He makes me complete. I'm also grateful for our daughters and their wonderful husbands and of course for all of our grandchildren. They range in age from 16 years down to 5 months. Now how much more blessed can anyone be?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Working on Mom's decks now. She is getting new carpet on Thursday so the old had to come off along with the nasty old glue. G has been up there most of yesterday and a few hours today. He has it just about ready. Of course, K came up and acted like a teenager throwing a temper tantrum. Yes, life around him is fun? Mom called him up to come and help G to get things ready, as he didn't know anything about it, he was of course livid. He had his plans all made so what is going on and since we're throwing money around right and left? Anyway, he came and grabbed and bent and pulled and did his best to act like a true "A" and then jumped in his car the minute I got there bringing lunch, and ran away. How can a 50 some year old act so ridiculous? I know it's because he hasn't had any kids to smooth out his corners and activate his maturity. Of course, his hair is turning white but it hasn't helped his "problems". Oh and did I say, G has saved Mom almost a $1,000.

I feel like Mom enjoys these things, she sits them up and then acts all upset and wonders why they are happening. As I look back I realize she has done these things all of her life and probably doesn't even realize what's she's doing now. Just can't excuse it though, even if she is 91. Her greatest excuse is that she is 91.

There are times I want to run away and pretend I'm adopted - funny thing about that when I was a little girl I told the neighbor I was adopted. Funny how kids see things we adults take so long to see.

I wish I could figure a way not to react to her and my brother's stupid actions. In my patrihical (spelling) blessing I am told I should be a peace maker and honor my parents. Well, it's getting more difficult all of the time to do these things. G thinks it's about time I've reached this point but those words just keep coming back to me and the guilt factor rises up. I do love my family, somewhere in me, it's just right now I'm having problems feeling it.

We are planning on going on a trip to visit K & J & C and then down to S & G & N & H. While we are gone I hope to be able to find someone I can pay to come and take Mom shopping to get her groceries and pick up her meds. I know she won't be happy with this but at least I'll know she can get them taken care of. K would do it but he makes everything such a production and acts all out of joint if he has to do anything he hasn't sit up himself. If it were his idea I'm sure it would be fine but I just can't bring myself to deal with him since he called and blew up. Yes, I know - COWARD!

Thank you for being there and reading this - it helps to write it out.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

We took P to the airport this afternoon and really hated to see her go. She has been wonderful with Grandma. Why Grandma looks so much better she has some color in her face but she is still complaining (bad habit!) On the way back, we stopped at Home Depot to get the things going for her new carpet to be laid on her decks. Once it was paid for the installers will contact us and we can set a date. Hope it isn't too far away. They can only do it if the temp is higher than 69 so keep your fingers crossed!

One less thing to worry about. Your Dad is planning on going up there next week to take the old carpet off and the railings off. I will be very grateful when it's done.

Then after that we're hoping to run down to Nan's and family so your Dad can help Ben finish off his train set. And then after that it's plans for heading East away from her for several weeks!! We can wait to see you guys out there. Sure wish our peach tree would at least look like it was trying to get ripe - still green as gore. Oh great!! Still have beans coming on so we have to take care that we get as many as we can and the tomatoes too. We have put several bags into the freezer for a later time of canning them. I always make tomato sauce, which is great because there is no additional salt or anything else, just the tomatoes and a little water to help them cook down.

Be nice if we could get our garden cleaned out a bit before we come back so there isn't so much to do when we come home.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Get away

We finally just decided to take the trailer and head out. We went up to St. Charles Canyon as you girls will know all about. We love going up there and were extremely surprised that we were alone in the camp ground for two whole days and then the crowds started to come. Lots of reservations were posted at most of the camping areas. This of course considering Labor Day was fast approaching.

We were right by the river where there are two little water falls. It was so beautiful with yellow flowers and moss and then to be able to listen to the water was just heavenly. It was quite cold up there, the first night it got down to 44 degrees. A bit colder than here at home but we snuggled down under the covers and enjoyed it. The weather warmed up during the day so we didn't even have to wear jackets or long pants. No phones, no TV, just peace and quiet. We did a lot of reading, talking, taking walks and just plain relaxing. G widdled a piece of wood down to the shape of a smoke stack for a little wooden train he got in Europe. Very fun!

We came back all relaxed and ready to do whatever. But wish we were still up there. Such good memories of going up there when our family was younger.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's been a while since I was able to write. I talked earlier about going to the caregiver class and how much better I felt. It was really such a great feeling after just one get together. It was like a great pressure had been lifted.

Since then my brother has come back into the picture, he does now and then when it is convenient for him. If I don't call and tell him what is happening and what I plan to do he comes unglued but at the same time he doesn't feel it is important to tell me anything. So I was frustrated with it all and called around and hired a guy to come and fix her sprinkler system. It is working so great! But my brother showed up a few days later and was extremely upset. Why he had made plans to come and look at it and fix it. No, he hadn't called to tell me what he was planning on doing but I guess I'm suppose to "read" his mind. Anyway, it was a nasty phone call and got me all upset again. I worked really hard to put that somewhere else in my mind so as not to have to deal with the ugliness of it.

I talked to Mom this afternoon and something else is wrong, this time with her AC. I told her I thought she would need a new one. Well the guy that had come earlier just didn't do it right according to her. So here we go again. This is the frustrating part, we not only have to take care of her needs but her home's needs also. Which is a big job considering G is taking care of our home and yard and then going up to D to help him with his new garage. Where to go now??

Something on a more pleasant note, today at church in my Gospel Doctrine Class, which I teach we talked about the 2,000 Stripling Warriors. What a joy it must be to have children with such strong testimonies that they are willing to go to defend their country and families. I had not stopped to consider how old these young men were. About the age of our Aaronic Priesthood boys that pass the sacrament. Just think they were so serious and wanted to follow what their Mothers had taught them and they believed completely what the Lord told them to do. I have been blessed with five beautiful, faithful, wonderful daughters. Although, one of them is not active right now, she is still a good person and I have to remind myself. We have also been blessed to have four sons-in-laws that I would take anyone or all of them as my sons. They are all such great guys. They are willing to help us and do anything to be there for us. What more could we ask? Nothing as far as I can see.

Anyway, I am grateful for my family not only our daughters, sons-in-laws but our ten wonderful grandchildren. They are growing up so fast and they have been and are a joy to watch and be around.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Table

This is our new table and chairs. We've had our old ones for like 25 years.

We wanted to get some new ones, but we didn't realize these were so "Big". Yes, the showroom strikes again. We do like the chairs even though they are so big, they are lighter to lift than our old ones were. The table is just larger, now I have to find new table cloths. Oh well, we love it and we're going to enjoy it a lot. We'll see what our family thinks.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

You know our party started at 6:30 p.m. and everyone was on time and no one even thought of leaving until after 10:00 p.m. I think our party was a success which was a delight for us. We both worked very hard and everyone was so kind and thoughtful. We had such fun just visiting and eating and then G made the Russell's Special. Wow everyone loved that and wanted to know how to make it. G said afterward if he'd realize how much people would like it he would have told them it was a "Family Secret" which of course, it isn't. Although it should be. Our son-in-law that came up with the idea is very clever and it is without a doubt delicious. Just so refreshing and tasty. Only pineapple sherbet, raspberries and bananas.

After the desert we played a game, hand and foot. We learned this originally from our daughter and son-in-law. They played it a bit differently, of course there were nine of us and that would make the other way difficult.

Our new table worked just lovely for sitting that many but we had to shrink it down to play cards. It was a little crowded but who cares. We also didn't use all of the chairs that came with the table as they are way too big to scoot together. Our folding chairs worked just great.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Support Group

Today we went to a support caregiver group. It was great to listen to others and the problems they are experiencing and to know so many are exactly like mine. I received several suggestions of how to go about dealing with my Mom. Most all suggested I walk away and not let her run the show by manipulation or any other way. One lady said she would just call up and ask how she was doing and if she said she was really bad, tell her the door bell just rang and I had to go. This ladies Mom was there and she is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers . In fact there were two ladies that had this problem with their husbands too. The lady that it was her Mom has been bringing her to the meetings to help her with transitioning to an assisted living situation.

I was concerned that because Mom doesn't live with me that I was not really experiencing the caregiver type of burn out. But there were several others that didn't live with the people they did care giving for. That helped out a lot to hear. One lady and her husband had sold their house and her mother's house and bought a house together. Mom lives upstairs and they live down. That lady would keep nodding every time I said something that she was dealing with. She is a quiet lady but I could sense that this had been very difficult for her and her husband.

I didn't realize this would be so tiring to go to this. It was only an hour but I am exhausted. We are having a party with about four couples from our neighborhood tonight here at our house. I have been working as has G trying to get things ready. I am looking forward to making changes in my life. I know it will be a welcome change for G also. This party tonight is the beginning of doing things for us.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13, 2008

I have been thinking about where I am in my life and how I got here. I have been so blessed to have such sweet and caring daughters and I have an incredible husband whom I would not have wanted to take this journey without.

He is kind and loving and I know he is always on my side. It's really great to know you are loved unconditionally and that is the kind of love I've gotten from him.

I didn't grow up with this type of love, in fact I really didn't think I was loved at all until I gave birth to our first daughter and he was so concerned over what I had been through to bring her into this world. I knew he had been there with me all the way. Even though back then he couldn't go into the delivery room with me.

I grew up wondering who I was and why I was put here on this earth. I don't remember much happiness only critical comments all of the time. A lot of fighting between my parents was also very common, so being married to the man I am has been a joy ride for me because he loves me and I love him.

Right now we are going through a difficult time with my mom. She is 91 years old and has worked hard all of her life but now she is having problems and just doesn't know how to cope with it. She is a very manipulative person and has been very good at it. I have finally reached a point that I can't deal with this anymore. After 66 years there is no more in me to handle this and I feel so much weight on my shoulders. My brother isn't willing to see that she needs to be in a place where they can help her and she can find things to be involved with. She has always been very social and now that she can't go as she would like, she takes it out on us. She thinks I should be up there with her at least 3-4 times a week. There for a while I was doing it but I realize I have had no life of my own. Just being there or worrying about what my mom needed. No, I am not a saint nor do I want to give that impression. I just need a break without feeling guilty for doing anything on our own.

This is without a doubt the most difficult thing I have had to do in my life. Even raising our five daughters can't compare. Of course I was much younger then too but this is hard to become the "mom" instead of the daughter. I know I'm not the first to experience this but I hope I am learning what "not" to do as I age. I have warned several of them to tell me if I get this way and remind me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Caregiver

I decided to come into this century and learn to blog. Su started it and then K has one so now it's M turn.

Today we are going to a caregiver class support group. I feel the need to extend myself out there. This is really uncomfortable for me so we'll see how things go. My Mom is not in my home but we are there sometimes three or four times a week. It's either fixing her Ac, furnace, lawn, sprinklers, porch, outside furniture not to mention food, medicine, doctor or having accidents. Doing her bills or handling problems she has with bills. I don't feel like I have a life of my own anymore. Hopefully this class will help.