Saturday, December 20, 2008


Now I know you are wondering why on earth I titled this "Reason" but hold on I'll explain. Like all of you we have been rushing around trying to get caught up on gift buying, making candy, running Mom, decorating, etc.

Last night we finally put up our nativity scene. Now it seems like Christmas! We have put the reason back into the season and everything else will fall into line. It is amazing if we just take a minute and put our priorities in the right order our lives seem to take hold and we can manage them again.

I am grateful for the joy of this season and the love that comes from those near and far, so Merry Christmas everyone.


sues2u2 said...

I understand what you are saying. Tomorrow I get to share the story of Christ's birth w/ my little class. This lesson is what I think I've been waiting all year for. I just can't wait!

skipper said...

You've got it exactly right. I can't wait to come see you guys!