As I look back over the past year I realize how much can be packed into one small 12 month period. When you look forward that seems like a long time but looking back you realize, it really isn't.
We've had so many wonderful things happen to us and our family. And we've had some not so great things as all of you have. I'm grateful for the love we share, my hubby and I and our children, their spouses and their children. How time flies when you don't notice. Our oldest grandchild will graduate this spring. Wow, where did the time go? Just yesterday it seems she was born and now she's 17 and looking forward to her wonderful life out of the younger grades of her education. Then on Christmas Day we were given another gift of sorts. Our youngest daughter and her hubby are going to have a baby in August which is the birth month of our oldest grandchild. Now both of these births are miracles but to us this one carries a different type of miracle. Their little boy that is 20 months old was created by another set of parents but he came to us as a miracle of many prayers and he brought much happiness to see how much he is like his parents, Kristie and Jared. They adopted Cooper because after six years they just hadn't been able to have their own baby --- well now they can.
I look back on what I have just written and realize just how much each of our grandchildren mean to us and how each of them are a miracle to us. We have been so blessed by first our children and then their marriages to fine men and then the birth of their babies --- our grandbabies. What joy they have each brought into our family of which Glen and I started 47 1/2 years ago. In December of that first year, I realized I was pregnant with our first child. Now in December, we found out our youngest child is having our 11th grandchild.
On January 22nd my Mom will be 93 years old and that is a miracle. I wonder if she realized so many years ago when she was pregnant with me what all she was starting?? I doubt it. My step-brother and I both had five children each, giving my Mom 10 grandchildren, now she has 23 great grandchildren and four great, great grandchildren. Wow, just think!
I hope this finds each of you well and that this New Year holds much joy and happiness for you.