I waited to post this until now as for some reason I was so caught up in the feelings I had at that time. Other years have come and gone and yes I have felt sad but not this overwhelming sadness and hopelessness. I have worked through these feelings and realize I really haven't allowed myself to think through this tragedy since it happened. It seemed I did so much thinking, wondering, asking my self how could someone hate so much that they wanted to kill so many innocent people.
They say it's an act of war but how can that be if you are focusing on people who are not able to defend themselves. Who are not fighters like these individuals, who have not been trained.
I give respect to other religions and faiths even though they are much different than I believe but to have a "faith" or "religion" that encourages people to hate, to kill, to "get even" for past offenses is beyond my understanding or willingness to accept.
Yes, I admit it I am a peace loving individual. I want others to find a way to work things out, no matter the problem. I am not saying that is an easy statement to follow through on but feel it is worth the effort.
No I am not a "Pollyanna" type of person that sees everyone and everything in a sunny, happy light. Many times I wished I did and at times I thought I was very cynical individual but when this ugly, tragic, act of violence occurred it caused me to realize I really do expect the best in others and when they don't always act the way I would want I usually am able to understand that yes, we are human and have frailties or that we all make mistakes. But this was not just a mistake it was planned act of only one thing - Satan's plan to destroy mankind. The evil that was felt at that time could only have a basis from Satan's plan. When we come to this earth we aren't evil or desire evil things but what we are taught or the company we choose to keep many times allows these ideas to germinate in our souls.
I love this country for the freedoms we enjoy, for the reason to get up each day, for the ability to speak our thoughts, for not having to use a "passport" to travel from one city to another. For the rights we enjoy and that so many others want but do not want to give what this freedoms costs. They want it for free. But that is another blog.
To those that think and believe as the individuals did who perpetrated these unthinkable acts, you are cowards, you complain about somethings that you feel you have been put upon by and feel your only recourse is to kill - I say "you are a sorry bunch of humanity". I believe God - both yours and mine looks down and is saddened. The God I know preaches love and kindness and understanding wanting us to emulate the very best He has shown to us. I pray each day for peace among all of us who are so different from one another. I pray for understanding to why these things happen. I give thanks for the men and women who take on the job of protecting our freedoms in this country - and sometimes even giving up their lives for it. I thank the families of those who have given their everything. For the great job they did raising their children and teaching them such moral standards. I know your pain is great but please take my sincere and loving prayers to heart and know many of us weep with you and pray for you.
Thank you God for this country and the people that are striving to make it a better place. Thank you God for bringing peace to my broken heart from the terrible things this Nation witnessed 10 years ago.