After listening to several programs devoted to this day. I feel so full of my gratitude towards the many men and women that give of themselves even to losing of their lives to protect us here in America.
They recited a story of one young man that went into the military and right into a war, this was back in Vietnam and after nearly being killed several times it was his time to come back home. He arrived at the airport and had just gotten off a plan and some woman walked up to him and spit in his face and called him a baby killer. Then it went on to tell about his life since. He has been in two marriages and is living on the streets. What did he do wrong except defend his/our country in war.
I can't help but wonder if that woman that spit in his face stopped to think about this war coming into the USA. I'm sure she felt is couldn't possibly happen - well guess again lady. We are seeing parts of it right here now with the drugs and guns and gangs. This is very close to what is happening in these other countries. Evil people are striving to get more power over the people and especially those unable to defend themselves.
The wars in other countries that our soldiers are helping out by fighting the wars are no more than these evil individuals wanting to bring this evil to us RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLD USA. We are not immured to these things.
But I digress - the main reason for this blog is to say THANK YOU TO OUR SOLDERS to let them know I appreciate the sacrifices they have made. I thank their families for their sacrifices also either through them being gone from home for such long times and even for the fact that many of them will not return home.; I pray that God will bless and protect these men and women and their families. For I've been in many of these countries and I can say, the American soil sure felt good to step back on. We have so much to be thankful for - stop and say thank you and be grateful for all that we have whether it be great or small. We have so much more than so many. THANK YOU.