Today I had a shock. First I need to back up, my husband's brother Don, said he couldn't find a nativity scene. I thought he must be mistaking so today when we were out shopping I looked and you know what? I couldn't find one. Of course, we didn't go everywhere looking but the fact that we went to one or two places and there was not one to be found. Not even a picture. What part of CHRISTMAS do people miss? I mean CHRIST-MAS.
This really shows that Satan has been working very hard to convince people that X-mas is the way to go. I am so saddened by this fact. I still find it hard to believe that there isn't one in every store you might go too. Don said he finally found one at Home Depot. Of all places?
I feel so sad for the buyers of the various stores that they don't look - NO DEMAND that they have some to sell. Surely there are more people out there that find this a disturbing fact besides me.
I think we need to talk to everyone we meet and ask them if they understand this? Maybe if we talk it up and call the various stores and ask - WHY? Maybe, just maybe it will dawn on someone that Christ needs to be put back into Christmas.
Now that you mention it I don't remember seeing a nativity @ Wally's world. I think there was one @ Target but don't quote me on it. That is an extremely sad state of affairs.
Since I already own three, I haven't even looked. I think it's terrible you guys couldn't find one.
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