Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Continued

Some pictures of Glen's hard yard work out front.

Maybe one day I'll get the hang of how to arrange pictures and text but at least you can get an idea.

Don't they look so different?

Now to the unveiling - clean, clean, clean. Now what out front? Any suggestions?


skipper said...

Wow! It looks so different! I can't wait to see it in person! Brian would probably have some suggestions for replacements if you're looking.
Love ya

sues2u2 said...

I Love the clean look! It is just sooo clean!!!!! I think Dad was probably pretty glad to be done, yes? Say, where are those dratted sil when you need them? I'm sure thats what Dad was thinking.

I REALLY love the yard w/o the bushes. Can't wait to come & see.

Love Ya