I have been thinking today about our children. After my husband and I were first married I had this dream that we would have all boys - he has all brothers as do I. I guess that was alright but I wanted a daughter. Oh well, I thought. After we got pregnant with our first child and we didn't have the opportunity to learn early before they were born what sex this child would be. That was o.k. because we would love him/her anyway. Well she arrived and there was our daughter. Yea, I got my daughter!
Three years later I was expecting our second child and my husband decided that he needed to be more pro-active. So I was told to think boy, Glen my husband named him in my tummy "Butch" when he talked to him etc. (Back then when we had our babies the fathers stayed in the waiting room to hear what and how things went in delivery.) When the doctor delivered our second child and he told me she was a "she" I started to cry. Boy was he upset with me, why this baby is beautiful, healthy, has all her fingers and toes and it perfect in every way. Well they gave me the phone so I could talk to Glen and tell him our news. When I told him it was a girl, again I started to cry. Now I must admit I wasn't all that upset except my husband wanted a son so badly. My heart was broken for him, he had tried so hard to convince everyone it was a boy. But of course when he saw his daughter, he was just as happy as he had been with the first one. She was beautiful, she had all her fingers and toes, she was healthy, what more could we ask?
Another three years went by and sure enough I found myself pregnant again. My husband being the wise and careful husband he was, didn't say a word about this being a boy. So when our daughter # 3 was born he was very happy as was I. We were specializing in girls and I was thrilled. I think by now Glen realized how much fun girls are especially with their Daddy's. I mean the sun rose and set around Glen and that was o.k. with him.
Well after two years we found ourselves pregnant again and this baby was also a girl. She especially made all of the pain seem so trivial when they took me to ICU after she was born. I had to wait there for the pediatrician. I wasn't too concerned because I was so drugged I don't think I realized what was happening. Well our regular doctor wasn't able to come so his associate came. He started to explain how her naval had a hernia but that could be fixed and it was not as bad as it really looked ( it really was ugly and when people saw it they freaked out, now that concerned me because I didn't want anyone freaking out when they saw our beautiful daughter so after one year we found a surgeon that put it all back in and made her the most beautiful "belly button" and we have told her she is so lucky to have that special button - no one else in the world has one like hers. But I digress, also the pediatrician told us that one of her feet had gotten caught and wasn't able to move around so it was turned one way and would need some special care down the road. All along he talked so encouragingly assuring us that everything could be fixed. Even in my drugged state, I knew without a doubt that these little things could be taken care and she would be great.
This time we waited five years, in fact we thought we were through having children. But the Lord had another one waiting in the wings to come down. Glen kept saying he felt there was one more up there waiting for us. To our surprise this little girl caboose came along. I was terrified to have another baby because with the last one I had such a difficult time delivering her but I was given a blessing that I would be able to endure and bring into this world a lovely child. Of course, I had a blessing before delivering each daughter and I know the Lord blessed us beyond our hopes and dreams. Thank you. Daughter #5 out did her sisters in the length of time it took to deliver her - since she's been here I've come to the realization that she is like her Dad and didn't want to make a decision about coming then or later??????
Today was our #4 Daughter's birthday. She is all grown up now with her own family - She's married to a great guy and they have one girl and two boys. Happy Birthday Steph!!
I think back to when we got married and wonder where all of the time has gone. I mean we are the parents of five daughters, 10 grandchildren, six boys and four girls. Our little posterity is a joy to us and we give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all of the blessings he has given to us. We don't get to see all of our children all of the time but we're lucky enough to be able to at least talk to them on the phone and sometimes Skype. As we look at each of the husbands the girls have chosen, my thoughts have been - wow how did we luck out to find four such great men to join our family. They are all as different as night and day but also alike in may ways. I give thanks for them also.
So back to my title - which is best for your family? For our family it is definitely girls, each one of them are so different and even look different. You might say well you got slighted by not having sons, oh don't think that, we have four wonderful sons that are married to our daughters and six wonderful grandsons also. And thankfully we didn't get slighted in the granddaughter department either. They are all as great as their syblings/cousins. Thank you Lord for giving to Glen and I the best children we could have asked for. They are all just perfect for us and our family. We love them more than life.
So my name was gonna be "Butch"? Wow, guess I'm double glad I'm a girl! lol
After Nik's birth when the spirit assured me that Nik chose to come to us I have no doubts that all of us girls chose to come to you guys too, or that we chose to have each other as sisters.
Btw, I think y'all did an awesome job! And thanks for not giving me away cause I wasn't a boy! *tee,hee*
love ya
I always enjoy hearing about how we all came into the world! And thanks for coming up for my birthday, it was good big fun!
As for the girls/boys issue...I didn't ever want boys but now that they're here, I can't imagine life without them!
Love ya
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