Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving survival

It seems Thanksgiving is a time when our family gets together every other year, for the kids and then of course, everyone else, to get sick. We had such fun but some of the parents had to take time out to be with their kids and then themselves to take care of the "sickies". Just doesn't seem fair. It got me to thinking about when our kids were young and what all happened.

First, we didn't have to travel for several hours or many hours to get to "Grandma's house". We lived within 8 miles of both Grandparent's homes. Yes, I can see our lives where much simpler than our children and their families are now. One daughter and her hubby and kids live over 17 hours from here. Another daughter, hubby and kids live five hours from here. The next daughter, hubby and kids live about an hour from here. Yes, our lives were much "easier" for sure.

Just so everyone knows I/We really appreciate the sacrifices these families made to come for the holiday. It was fun listening to the girls chat back and forth to each other and to watch the cousins playing and chatting with one another.

Glen and I have the opportunity to visit with our children and their families usually once or twice a year but the siblings don't. They do talk on the phone a lot to each other but to be together face to face is such a rare occasion.

To catch everyone up on the dinner in our garage, it turned out great. The food tasted good, I can say that because I didn't fix it all. The tables turned out looking pretty good and it wasn't even cold. Great Grandma got to sit right in front of the heater to be sure she didn't get cold. For the rest of us, it was very pleasant.

Life today is so much different than when I was a child or our children were young. We lived close to family so we were able to attend many different celebrations. We got to see our siblings and families often. I really appreciate the effort that went into preparing for the holiday both food wise and travel wise. Thank you to our children, their spouses and grandchildren. Remember you are all loved and to Nicole we missed you so much. I guess this is what we have to expect will happen more often as our grandchildren grow older and test their wings getting ready to leave their nests.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Where has all of the time gone, it is almost Thanksgiving and I am so excited. We are going to have most of our children and their families here. One daughter, Pam, won't be able to make it and I am sad for that as she hasn't been here when everyone has been since Kristie got married. This year I understand one granddaughter won't be able to come, Nicole, and that makes me so sad to think she is so grown up that now she has a job and can't be off. We shall surely miss her. We get the opportunity to visit with our children individually but to have four families of them together is such a treat. Wow, how exciting they are willing to make this trip - some very far away to come here.

This year all of the girls are taking so much on to fix for our dinner, I'm just not used to having so much help. Wow is this exciting! We've had years when they would each bring something but this is the first time so much of the meal is being handled by our girls. Thank you, I so appreciate you all stepping in and doing so much. It seems like my body just doesn't want to work like it has in the past.

Can you imagine this we are eating in our garage? Yep, that's right and I'm excited about that. We are borrowing tables and chairs from a friend that does weddings so the tables are large and we can sit eight to a table. We will probably have around 20-22. I've got decorations all figured out, along with table cloths etc. Our garage is all carpeted and we have an electric heater that we can put out there if it's especially cold.

Our daughters have come up with games and such for the little ones to play with to keep them happy and we hope they can go outside for a bit to run some of their energy off.

I love listening to our daughters talk and laugh about this and that. This is such a joy to have this many of our posterity here that we hardly can contain ourselves. Oh and we'll also have a friend of Kristie and Jared and my Mom and brother coming. Glen hasn't invited his brother so he may come also. I love having so many here, I subscribe to the thought - no one should be alone on this day. Why it's a day to give thanks for family and friends alike.

Thank you Lord for the many blessings you have given to Glen and I, for our family and the joy they bring into our lives.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Girls/Boys - which is the one for your family?

I have been thinking today about our children. After my husband and I were first married I had this dream that we would have all boys - he has all brothers as do I. I guess that was alright but I wanted a daughter. Oh well, I thought. After we got pregnant with our first child and we didn't have the opportunity to learn early before they were born what sex this child would be. That was o.k. because we would love him/her anyway. Well she arrived and there was our daughter. Yea, I got my daughter!

Three years later I was expecting our second child and my husband decided that he needed to be more pro-active. So I was told to think boy, Glen my husband named him in my tummy "Butch" when he talked to him etc. (Back then when we had our babies the fathers stayed in the waiting room to hear what and how things went in delivery.) When the doctor delivered our second child and he told me she was a "she" I started to cry. Boy was he upset with me, why this baby is beautiful, healthy, has all her fingers and toes and it perfect in every way. Well they gave me the phone so I could talk to Glen and tell him our news. When I told him it was a girl, again I started to cry. Now I must admit I wasn't all that upset except my husband wanted a son so badly. My heart was broken for him, he had tried so hard to convince everyone it was a boy. But of course when he saw his daughter, he was just as happy as he had been with the first one. She was beautiful, she had all her fingers and toes, she was healthy, what more could we ask?

Another three years went by and sure enough I found myself pregnant again. My husband being the wise and careful husband he was, didn't say a word about this being a boy. So when our daughter # 3 was born he was very happy as was I. We were specializing in girls and I was thrilled. I think by now Glen realized how much fun girls are especially with their Daddy's. I mean the sun rose and set around Glen and that was o.k. with him.

Well after two years we found ourselves pregnant again and this baby was also a girl. She especially made all of the pain seem so trivial when they took me to ICU after she was born. I had to wait there for the pediatrician. I wasn't too concerned because I was so drugged I don't think I realized what was happening. Well our regular doctor wasn't able to come so his associate came. He started to explain how her naval had a hernia but that could be fixed and it was not as bad as it really looked ( it really was ugly and when people saw it they freaked out, now that concerned me because I didn't want anyone freaking out when they saw our beautiful daughter so after one year we found a surgeon that put it all back in and made her the most beautiful "belly button" and we have told her she is so lucky to have that special button - no one else in the world has one like hers. But I digress, also the pediatrician told us that one of her feet had gotten caught and wasn't able to move around so it was turned one way and would need some special care down the road. All along he talked so encouragingly assuring us that everything could be fixed. Even in my drugged state, I knew without a doubt that these little things could be taken care and she would be great.

This time we waited five years, in fact we thought we were through having children. But the Lord had another one waiting in the wings to come down. Glen kept saying he felt there was one more up there waiting for us. To our surprise this little girl caboose came along. I was terrified to have another baby because with the last one I had such a difficult time delivering her but I was given a blessing that I would be able to endure and bring into this world a lovely child. Of course, I had a blessing before delivering each daughter and I know the Lord blessed us beyond our hopes and dreams. Thank you. Daughter #5 out did her sisters in the length of time it took to deliver her - since she's been here I've come to the realization that she is like her Dad and didn't want to make a decision about coming then or later??????

Today was our #4 Daughter's birthday. She is all grown up now with her own family - She's married to a great guy and they have one girl and two boys. Happy Birthday Steph!!

I think back to when we got married and wonder where all of the time has gone. I mean we are the parents of five daughters, 10 grandchildren, six boys and four girls. Our little posterity is a joy to us and we give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all of the blessings he has given to us. We don't get to see all of our children all of the time but we're lucky enough to be able to at least talk to them on the phone and sometimes Skype. As we look at each of the husbands the girls have chosen, my thoughts have been - wow how did we luck out to find four such great men to join our family. They are all as different as night and day but also alike in may ways. I give thanks for them also.

So back to my title - which is best for your family? For our family it is definitely girls, each one of them are so different and even look different. You might say well you got slighted by not having sons, oh don't think that, we have four wonderful sons that are married to our daughters and six wonderful grandsons also. And thankfully we didn't get slighted in the granddaughter department either. They are all as great as their syblings/cousins. Thank you Lord for giving to Glen and I the best children we could have asked for. They are all just perfect for us and our family. We love them more than life.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Memories, Sorrow, Love, Togetherness

It's 9-11 again and as usual I remember exactly where I was and how I felt. I would never have imagined I could feel such pain for people I had never met or places I had never been. But my heartache was palatable, I felt like I could taste the smoke, the despair, the pain (at least a tiny bit of it). I was working for Senator Bennett at the time and when I got to work I was told they were closing the office. I left work and walk around the park and all over Ogden, not really thinking about where I was. I think I was in a state of shock ( at least a small one). I don't mean to demean the things the people who really experience those heinousness things. But my hurt was real and I couldn't imagine why someone could do this to others they did not know (and themselves for that fact) just to prove a point.

I know I have led a very sheltered life but to inflict this type of horror and pain on others intentionally was unthinkable to me then and it is now. I have no concept of that kind of hate. Thank Goodness!

To those who endured such horror, pain and lingering problems I bow to you and say my heart still aches for you and yours, to those who died on that terrible day my tears are ones of relief that it is over for you and you do not have to endure that again. What so many of you did trying to save one another, and others, I am so in awe of you and you shall always be my heros.

And today to those who spend their time putting up flags to honor all of you I give my thanks. I shall take this day to remember, cry for the pain and the memories, and rejoice for the coming together we saw our nation do after this. We need to remember how important our country is to us and what we have here, and be proud to be an American. I know I am.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


My daughter posted recently about the things that she is grateful for and it started me to thinking how very fortunate I am. So here goes: I'm grateful for my wonderful hubby who puts up with me and loves me besides. I'm grateful for modern medicine and the advancements they have made. I'm grateful for my five wonderful daughters and their husbands. Each is so different and yet they have so much in common. I'm grateful for our 10 grandchildren. What a joy they are to me and they bring such happiness to watch them grow up. I'm grateful that my Mom is still alive. There have been times when I haven't always felt this way as the burden has been heavy but I do love her and as I grow older I realize how much she has done and continues to do for me. I'm grateful for friends old and new. How precious life is. I'm grateful for the changes in the weather and the beauty here where we live. I'm grateful for green beans, corn on the cob (in season) for squash, tomatoes, raspberries, and being able to pick most of these from our garden or pick them up from farmers here in our area. I'm grateful there are still farmers out there that work so hard to bring to us these yummy things. Oh and yes, I'm grateful for "hand and foot". It works my brain and I love it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today a dear friend found life to be to difficult to deal with any longer and my heart is breaking for the hurt and pain she is enduring. My dear friend you are in my prayers that your heart and soul can find peace and endure the heart ache that seems to follow you everywhere. Life is never easy but for some out there life is in deed very unfair. Each of us find our lives difficult at times but to others that have lived in the darkest of places these times become so dark that life doesn't seem to be worth it.

Please stop and think about all of the love that is directed your way today and always. First, your Heavenly Father loves you more than anything and He knows the pain you are enduring so let Him help you, He can take it and lift it off your shoulders. Second, there are so many of us that love you for your sweetness, kindness and willingness to do for others. You have given so much and it is time you allow others to give back to you. While we cannot take your pain away we are very willing to stop and listen to you share your heartache. Those that inflected that pain onto you will never be away from the part they played and will have to face the Lord Himself.

Remember, you are innocent and deserve so much, you are worth so much! You have so much to still do and give to others. For one thing, the knowledge of what you have endured and the strength you have gained (and you have gained much strength or you wouldn't have made it this far) would help others to face things. I only wish I could be of help to you now in one of your darkest moments. I hope you can feel my arms around you giving to you the love that you need at this time.

Talk to the Lord and He will help you to overcome this ugliness and find the peace you so richly deserve. All my love my friend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Throughout the years I have tried to "listen" to the promptings I received from our Heavenly Father but this last one was real. Just before Sue and Hanae left for Arizona I had this feeling Glen should go with her and help her drive but I ignored it. After she left, Glen and I were talking and he said he had the same thought come to him. Well we talked about a minute or so and decided since we'd both gotten the same message he should go. Sue and Hanae were staying with Nan in St. George so we got Glen a ticket to fly down there and meet Sue and drive the rest of the way home with her.

Neither of us knew why we'd gotten that message but we listened - thank goodness!!! They left Thursday morning early and stopped at Mc Donalds for breakfast. Then they headed on their way to Sierra Vista. Lunch time came around and they were again around a Mc Donalds - that is Hanae's favorite place to eat. They stopped and got lunch. Well about an hour later Sue had these unbelievable pains. They were not sure what was wrong finally she felt the need for a rest room and they had to drive 15 miles or so give or take some miles to find one. After a while they got back into the car and again headed to Sierra Vista. Sue was in such pain she could hardly stand the movement in the care let alone any bumps. They finally got her home and she rested and started to feel a bit better later that evening. By the next day she was doing much better. We came to the conclusion because she had been watching her diet and had not had that much grease in the same day that it had hit her really hard. She got back onto watching what she ate and is doing much better.

Thank you Lord for giving us the push to do the right thing for her, I'm not sure what she would have done without help. Hanae sure couldn't be of help to her and Sue would have been out in the middle of no where with no help in sight.

You know there are times in our life when we receive these great promptings and if we listen sometimes we are not sure why they have come but others we see up close and personal why. I am so grateful to a loving Father who saw fit to warn us to take action before we knew why and that we listened.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


What a wonderful time it is - summer when family comes to visit. But it is very sad when they leave. I love having our "children" and their families come to visit but when it's time for them to leave and I know we won't see them for a long time - it is very difficult. How I wish they could all live a bit closer - say Logan (we already have one there why not several) or Clinton or Salt Lake. I know you get the drift. I do understand they have their own lives and have to follow their dreams and destiny but that doesn't make it any easier.

We spend years raising these children and then they grow up and think they can just leave us and go their ways, which of course they do.

As we are getting older I find it more difficult to have them so far away. Pretty soon we won't be able to travel like we've been blessed to do and I wonder if we'll ever see them again. I know that is pretty dramatic. But today it feels that way. Sue, Hanae and Nik were here to visit and first we lost Nik to go home so he could go to scout camp (I can understand why he'd want to do that) and now Sue and Hanae have left. For some reason they feel like they have to go home to see "Daddy". Now if we could only get him to come then all would be good.

Thank goodness we have two "children" that have chosen to be close to home - at least for now. I am so grateful they are close enough to be able to see them for special times and to just enjoy them anytime.

Sometimes I wonder if we have either made our children way to independent or if we've made them so glad to just get away from us. Well, which ever it is they are where they are and that is it.

I do love our family so much and give thanks each day for the blessings they bring into our lives.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I finally have to take the plunge and blog without pictures. I keep saying I'm going to download the pictures from my camera, as you can see, haven't quite got that done yet. The reason, I need help from Glen and we never seem to get it together at the same time. Oh well.

But back to topic, I can't believe it's been 46 years since we went to the Salt Lake City LDS temple to be married. I look at all of my girls and can't believe they are MY daughters - why I can't be that old to have five daughters and 10 grandchildren - where did the time go?? Help!! But at the same time I look at our family and give thanks for the many blessings they have brought into my/our lives. Yes, we have had difficult times and even sad times but at the same time we have had glorious times. As I have watched our children grow I have grown and so enjoyed at what they have accomplished with their lives. I am so proud (can I say that?) of all of them. They have taken in the good, the bad and the ugly to make their lives become something special, I am so glad I have been here to see.

Yes, they have problems - who doesn't - but they have taken all of the things around them and made them work. I'm not saying it has been easy for them but they have stayed firm and come out winners. I look at our four sons that we have gotten in the bargain and I'm so grateful for each one of them. They are so unique and individual and special. I love them as though I had given birth to them and just think I didn't have to - I got a bargain! I thank the Lord each day for all of our children and grandchildren. And I thank the Lord for my life and the things we have been through - some not so great but they made us who we are today. The problems have made my patience grow, my love grow more than I could have known and the love between Glen and I has grown and I thought I knew what love was when we got married - silly girl I was.

Thank you for the 46 years my dear husband. How grateful I am for you and your patience and love. I truly know what a helpmate is now - thank you for teaching me so much - I look forward to the next many years. Love you my dearest!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Just a note to thank everyone who has served in the military. I was raised with patriotism in my life. We were taught in school and at home to honor those who have been in the military and those who have given their lives for each of us so we might have freedom here in our nation.

I remember the fear of communism, I remember the fear of not having our freedom to choose what and how we would live our lives but especially I remember 911. How much I honor those even though they did not fight in a war, they gave their lives. Of course, there where those who were in military that were also lost at the Pentagon.

I worked at HAFB and I remember the thrill of hearing the Star Spangled Banner played each morning and seeing the men and women stand to attention each morning and evening when the flag was raised and lowered. Of pledging allegiance to our flag and country and also hearing prayer said before each and every meeting we attended.

I am proud to be an American and I give thanks each and every day that I was born here in this country and have been taught the value of life and liberty. That I value life, both mine and those around me. That I believe others have the right to think how they like, even if I don't agree.

Thank you for my freedoms!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

It has certainly been a lovely day today for me and I hope for all of you. We had two of our five daughters and their families here to enjoy a family picnic and each other. It was a lovely time and then I got to talk on the phone to the other three daughters. Yes, I am very fortunate to have these great women as my daughters.

I look back when they were children and I was feeling tired and rushing around all of the time, little did I realize how fun it would be to reach "old" age and watch our daughters with their families and what supper Mom's they would be. No I don't take credit for that they have done a lot on their own. I see their struggles but also I see their strengths and the fine women they are.

In many ways they have so much in common and in others they are so different. I see their kindness, loving, compassionate and willingness to serve others.

Thank you Lord for giving these fine spirits to my care and now for the opportunity I have to watch them raise their own children.

Love to you all on this Mother's Day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It happened again

Well we got a surprise again. You'd think we'd get used to these kids doing this to us. They have done this every time they are coming to visit and they say well we'll give you a call when we leave so you will have an idea when we will be there. Kristie and Jared told us they were not going t6o be able to come until two weeks from the first of April. Well as you know we have plans to leave next week to go down to Arizona. We felt really badly because Little Cooper's b-day is this coming Friday and we wouldn't be there for his first b-day. Oh well we thought we can celebrate later. Guess not? Yea! Got a phone call from Kristie tonight and she asked what time we go to bed. Still I was in a "fog" about what sh was talking about and it didn't help that she kept loosing her connection because she was driving - do errands was what she told me. Well they made it here around 10:30 or so. We ran out and picked up some formula for Cooper so they wouldn't have to stop and they beat us back here. Those stinkers!! Yes we were so happy just the same but wow.
Then they just were getting settled in for the night and even Cooper had gone to sleep and they realized as they walked across the floor in the room they are in and out in the family room there was water all over. Ever since we moved here 30 years ago and it was a new home we haven't had these kind of problems -- no one had lived here and worked out all of the little problems that arise in a new home. The first winter this problem arose and Glen worked very hard trying to find it and then fix it and he did a great job and it worked great ----- until now!! Since we've pulled out those bushes out front -- I guess it made it possible for that darn rain -- that came down several times like cats and dogs just found it's way down the wall and into the wind well. What a mess. Tomorrow it will be fix it up day again. That is after we take Grandma to the doctor and then head up to baby animals days to be with Steph, Brian, Chloe, Graeme and Kai to enjoy all of those little babies.

Keep your fingers crossed it won't rain until after it is fixed. Well sleep well dear ones!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Making Life better by what we do and think

I was watching it snow again for the last several days. Oh how exciting. One good thing about it, it melts quickly and usually doesn't stick to the roads. But what happened to our lovely 50s, 60s, and even 70s? I know it will come again but oh how sweet that sounds - again sometime.

I have been having a difficult time the last few days - not feeling so great with lots of pain and such. So I finally listened to my Daughter Sue and went on line and looked up the symptoms of fibermylagia. One of the triggers so to speak is "stress". Boy doesn't that get a lot of blame? Anyway, I'm waiting to hear when I can get into a doctor that is suppose to tell me what is wrong. All the tests I've taken so far have turned out negative. Sure doesn't help the lady feeling yucky.

Well anyway, today I went to get my nails done and the gal that does them is the happiest lady I know. She is so pleasant and is so calming. After I spent that hour with her I felt so much better and was determined not to let this get the best of me. It seems I have so many auto immune diseases that one more shouldn't bother me BUT it does. I know that positive thinking and taking care of one's self are major and also learning to sit limits. That one I am working on.

Taking a point from another Daughter, Steph - listing the things I'm grateful:

I am grateful for people that care
The love of my family
The love of my husband (what would I do without him?)
The love of my Heavenly Father
The love of my grandchildren
For my Mom - who tries to love me

Thank you Lord for everything

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Continued

Some pictures of Glen's hard yard work out front.

Maybe one day I'll get the hang of how to arrange pictures and text but at least you can get an idea.

Don't they look so different?

Now to the unveiling - clean, clean, clean. Now what out front? Any suggestions?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This last few days have been so lovely just plain wonderful. It's spring and we are loving it. Glen has been very busy taking out bushes in the front of our home. The tall pine and the small ones by the drive way are no more. He was able to pull them out with his truck pretty easy. Although if you check out his arms and hands he looks like he's been to war, I guess in a way he has with the bushes. They have little roots but are they ever heavy. They still have the moisture they collected during the winter months still in the roots.

He had trouble getting the job done because of all of the people driving by - they all stopped to see what was happening and wanting to chat. Aren't neighbors great! A couple guys one from next door and a guy that was from around the block came by and helped clean up yesterday. Glen filled his truck but there was still a lot left to go to the dump. He took the truck (BIG load) this morning and has been working on the stump and limbs left but that will be for another day.

Now we can see when we drive out of our driveway. Yea!! No more worrying we'll hit a child or adult for that matter or even a car that appears all of a sudden because we couldn't see them coming.

I was afraid it would look really bare but to be honest it looks just great without them there. We are going to plant grass - make taking care of our yard much easier. The flowers along the drive way are going also. Just plain Jane house now. The pine and small pine by the front are also on the agenda to go too. Mostly these are getting the ax because they have over grown the area they are in and are threatening our roof.

Change is good and as long as we go along with it - life is good. But when we develop a "mule" brain it becomes very difficult to deal.

I love seeing the flowers coming out this time of year especially. Saw some crocus Tuesday morning that were in a ladies yard - yellow, purple, white and pink. They are just so breath taking this time of year after all of the winter snow and cold winds.

Also, we have some of our garden planted. Peas, radishes, red beets, parsnips, and lettuce. Now to wait for the growing to happen!

Isn't Spring great?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Merry Christmas

Yes, I know that season has passed but if you looked out our window yesterday morning when we got up, you might have had that feeling - that it was Christmas morning. It had snowed several inches over night and was still snowing very heavily.

Hubby waited until he thought most of the storm was passed and went outside to attempt to find our driveway and walks. He figured we had around a foot of new snow. The lovely thing about new snow is how clean and beautiful it leaves the earth right after it has fallen.

As I usually do on wintry and cold days I fixed soup, chicken noodle . My Mom is 92 so we decided to take up some to her and to check on her. We also picked up some rolls and pineapple. She seemed to be thrilled to have food she didn't have to prepare. Her body is getting old and worn out and this woman who has always been an extremely determined, perfected (or at least she tried to have perfection in everything she did) human being is getting discouraged. I guess I have always been a little intimidated by her - if nothing else than by the way she accomplished things - to the best of her ability. As I look at myself I realize I many times have been the type of person that is willing to go by the seat of my pants and call it o.k.!

Many times we women have problems with our "Mothers". I think, at least in my case, it is because I always felt I couldn't do thing as good as she has always done and maybe I found I didn't always want to. i.e., cleaning her house - a passion. Her cooking and trying new things and cooking old favorites with the same level of competency that chefs proceed with. Yes, I can see she has faults but when you grow up around such a person - you can either rebel or try to not be seen or maybe a little of both. I guess my rebellion was being out there showing off how "cute" I was. Not that I'm saying I was "cute" just that I was using that as a crutch.

Our Mothers are usually how we measure ourselves either for good or bad. My Mom has really set the scale high for me to reach. In many ways I won't even try to reach her level but in other ways I would hope I can come fairly close to the good example she has sit for me. My Mom only had one daughter and I have been blessed with five wonderful daughters. Each one of them are as different as night and day and yet they have many things in common. They are so concerned about others - some more than others but if push came to shove, all of them would step up to the bat and help you out to the best of their abilities.

I love our daughters so much and their husbands are all jewels. I see why each of them choose the guy they did for themselves. They fit extremely well together. And our grandchildren are so great. Yes, I do think they are pretty much wonderful and I hope they realize that.

Anyway, back to the original - Merry Christmas -- the feelings that I have rambled on about are ones that I associate with the Christmas season. I wish they were there year round but let's face it life has a bad habit of taking over our lives and we allow it to take some of these things from us. Just so you know, I am not crazy and my calendar is working just fine and I do realize it's February 10, 2009. Guess the next thing is HAPPY NEW YEAR.